

14 May 2020
You should know that if you live in Spain more than 183 days in one calendar year (January 1st to December 31st), you become liable for tax purposes in this country, either income and capital gains on your worldwide income and gains. With regards to the Spanish Income Tax, they split it into general income and savings income (this one includes capital gains). As General Income is considered , ie, salary, self-employment, pension income, rental income, income from gambling, etc. As Savings Income is considered, ie, purchased annuity income, interest income, income derived from like assurance contracts, dividend income, capital gains on the sale of assets, etc. So, when shall we submit the Annual Income Tax Statement? From April 1st till June 30th. How can we submit the Statement? This year, as we are facing this extraordinary situation with the covid_19, we shall make an online submission: AEAT's website with digital certificate, or RENTA 2019 App, or by phone 901 22 33 44. The granting of appointments are conditional to covid_19's lockdown situation. If you need further help with your 2019' Annual Income Tax Statement, do not hesitate to contact us and our Tax Expert will advise you. Legal Expertise Staff
ERTE colectivo
5 May 2020
Solicitud de expediente temporal de empleo ERTE por suspensión o reducción de jornada laboral.
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